The site uses the Web standards to offer a complete page accessibility to the disabled persons (complete or partial blindness, motor or intellectual disabilities) while being compatible with the technical assistances (Braille systems, vocal reader, navigation without mouse, etc.)
Alternative styles
The website is built with a system of alternative style sheets, which enable you to consult it and to print the site according to your browsing preference settings.
Compliance with the W3C standards
The XHTML code complies with the XHTML 1.0 Specification. It has been tested using the W3C HTML validator ; the CSS code complies with the CSS2 Specification. It has also been tested using the W3C CSS validator ; however, a known bug of the validator (related to the character encoding) prevents the direct CSS validation from HTML files. The URLs to be submitted to the CSS validator are thus those of the style sheets themselves ; the site pages comply with the Directives for accessibility to the Web contents.
Accessibility rules
In its current version, we comply with level 1 & 2 of accessibility rules.
A textual equivalent is provided via the “alt” attribute of the significant images, when they are not described precisely in the text that they illustrate. The “alt” attribute of the not-significant images is empty. Page setting does not use invisible images (priority 1) ; the images are used only when there is not any XHTML element making it possible to transmit the information concerned (priority 2).
Structure and presentation
Using the CSS positioning properties makes it possible to preserve a coherent order (title, contents, menus – priority 1) in the documents without use of a CSS, by completely separating presentation and contents.
This website is organized in sections gathering together the articles by topics (priority 2) ; The page setting of the site is based exclusively on external style sheets (priority 2) ; pages are structured using the “h1” to “h6” titles in the suitable order (priority 2) ; information forming item lists is marked with “ul”, “ol” and “dl” tags (priority 2). Thanks to the use of a single style sheet (priority 3), presentation style is coherent on the whole site.
The rare client scripts used on the website are not used for any function essential to navigation or page consultation.
Browsing and links
The sitemap is accessible from each page ; the browsing menus reflect the information structure (priority 2). They are displayed on each page and permanently give access to the whole site (priority 3) ; related links are logically and structurally gathered together. Printable characters separate the adjacent links in order to avoid their confusion by the assistance systems (priority 3).